Dear Residents,
Comberton Parish Council are reviewing the recent Government’s guidelines to open playgrounds.
Though we know you are keen to get back to enjoying the playground, we must consider you and your loved ones safety. Before we can open we are carrying out risk assessments, considering what safety measures need to be put in place to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19.
The Climbing Frame is currently unsafe and will be taped off until the problem can be rectified.
Please note the playground will NOT be open from 4th July but as soon as we can open it safely, we will let you know.
UK Gov says:
‘owner/operator will need to apply this guidance to the facility they are responsible for, depending on the circumstances, layout and design. This will include taking account of factors including size, equipment, and how it is organised, operated, and managed. They will need to consider implementing processes to protect the users of the equipment and the staff responsible for its maintenance and cleaning.’