- Questionnaire Results
- (Retain this slide when printing 2 slides per page)
- Please note that the number of replies received to each question is stated in the slide title as:
- (N= )
- Total number of people in this sample 1762
- Under 5 years:
- n = 287
- Under 16 years:
- n = 339
- Under 18 years:
- n = 374
- 24 years and under:
- n = 486
- 65 years and over:
- n = 287
- Age 5 17 years:
- n = 275
- Age 5 24 years:
- n = 387
- Age 11 17 years:
- n = 145
- 1533 respondents aged 11 years and over (available to complete this questionnaire)
- A: Long Rd. and Harbour Ave. area
- Number possible 349, number (%) returned 275 (78.8%)
- B: West St. and Barrons Way area
- Number possible 235, number (%) returned 192 (81.7%)
- C: South St. and Swaynes Lane area
- Number possible 144, number (%) returned 114 (79.2%)
- D: Barton Rd., Hines Lane and Wootens Close
- Number possible 126, number (%) returned 90 (71.4%)
- E: Green End and Branch Rd.
- Number possible 46, number (%) returned 40 (87.0%)
- Overall
- Number possible 900, number (%) returned 715 (79.4%)
- A: Long Rd. and Harbour Ave. area B: West St. and Barrons Way area
- C: South St. and Swaynes Lane area D: Barton Rd., Hines Lane and Wootens Close
- E: Green End and Branch Rd.
- House
- -holds
- Housing status
- House
- -holds
- 11-15
- 16-17
- 18-24
- 25-44
- 45-59
- 60-64
- 65-74
- 75-84
- 85+
- Private rented
- Local authority rented
- Hosing assoc. rented
- Owner occupied
- Shared ownership
- Provided with employ
- Other
- A: Long Rd. and Harbour Ave. area B: West St. and Barrons Way area
- C: South St. and Swaynes Lane area D: Barton Rd., Hines Lane and Wootens Close
- E: Green End and Branch Rd.
- House type
- House
- -holds
- 11-15
- 16-17
- 18-24
- 25-44
- 45-59
- 60-64
- 65-74
- 75-84
- 85+
- Detached
- Semi-detached
- Terraced
- Bungalow
- Flat / maisonette
- Sheltered housing
- Other
- Area
- House
- -holds
- 0 bed
- 1 bed
- 2 bed
- 3 bed
- 4 bed
- 5 bed
- 6 bed
- 7 bed
- A
- 275
- 3
- 0
- 15
- 219
- 30
- 7
- 1
- 0
- B
- 192
- 5
- 3
- 27
- 83
- 58
- 14
- 2
- 0
- C
- 114
- 4
- 14
- 23
- 35
- 29
- 7
- 0
- 2
- D
- 90
- 0
- 16
- 22
- 37
- 11
- 4
- 0
- 0
- E
- 40
- 1
- 1
- 3
- 10
- 10
- 14
- 1
- 0
- 13
- 34
- 90
- 384
- 138
- 46
- 4
- 2
- A: Long Rd. and Harbour Ave. area B: West St. and Barrons Way area
- C: South St. and Swaynes Lane area D: Barton Rd., Hines Lane and Wootens Close
- E: Green End and Branch Rd.
- Households
- A: Long Rd. and Harbour Ave. area B: West St. and Barrons Way area
- C: South St. and Swaynes Lane area D: Barton Rd., Hines Lane and Wootens Close
- E: Green End and Branch Rd.
- (Retain this slide when printing 2 slides per page)
- A: Long Rd. and Harbour Ave. area B: West St. and Barrons Way area
- C: South St. and Swaynes Lane area D: Barton Rd., Hines Lane and Wootens Close
- E: Green End and Branch Rd.
- (Retain this slide when printing 2 slides per page)
- Note:Pie charts detail responses of people who answered
- each specific question.
- Bar charts detail responses as percentages of all
- respondents to the questionnaires. They include a
- non-respondents category for each individual question.
- A: Long Rd. and Harbour Ave. area B: West St. and Barrons Way area
- C: South St. and Swaynes Lane area D: Barton Rd., Hines Lane and Wootens Close
- E: Green End and Branch Rd.
- (Retain this slide when printing 2 slides per page)
- Elsewhere in Comberton
- Cambridge City Centre
- East Cambridge and villages
- Villages west of Cambridge
- Milton Science Parks
- A10 Business Park
- Others within 20 miles
- Total
- Home
- Addenbrokes
- London
- Abroad
- Elsewhere
- Car / van
- Bicycle
- Walking
- 692
- 45
- 36
- 199
- 50
- 52
- 22
- 99
- 5
- 13
- 43
- 2
- 4
- 0
- 110
- 6
- 32
- 1
- 1
- 2
- 0
- 70
- 81
- 288
- 55
- 58
- 23
- 32
- 1
- 7
- 1
- 0
- 0
- 1
- 0
- 0
- 35
- 1
- 25
- (Retain this slide when printing 2 slides per page)
- (Retain this slide when printing 2 slides per page)
- Pedestrian crossings (e.g. near Meridian School and opposite Post Office) (40 respondents)
- Automatic flashing signs indicating speed on entry to village (35)
- Roundabouts at all entrances to the village (18)
- Street crossing patrol / lollypop person (10)
- More use of speed bumps (10)
- Better police enforcement (10)
- Better / more signs or road markings indicating limits (9)
- More traffic calming measures at the entrances to the village (9 respondents)
- Higher police presence (7)
- Decrease the speed limit between Comberton and Barton (6) Reduce the number of traffic calming measures (5)
- More static speed cameras (4)
- More restrictions on parking and better enforcement of current restrictions (4)
- 20 mph limit in the village (4)
- (Retain this slide when printing 2 slides per page)
- Long Road junction / entrance to the village (32 respondents)
- Unspecified problems (27)
- Problems with parked cars on main road and near turnings (21)
- School related problems (pick-up and drop-off times) (19)
- Swaynes Lane junction (19)
- Harbour Avenue junction (15)
- Between Comberton and Barton (11)
- Pavements (too thin, not enough) (4)
- General problems with the new traffic calming measures (12 respondents)
- Lack of foot / cycle path due to traffic calming (12)
- Unspecified problems on this road (8)
- New calming measures encourage speeding and dangerous driving (5)
- Calming measures are too close to junctions (4)
- Green End
- Branch Road bend is dangerous for cars, pedestrians and cyclists (mirror / footpath may solve this) (25 respondents)
- 30 mph limit is not respected (3)
- Problems at pick-up / drop-off time at Horlers School (2)
- Harbour Avenue area
- Unspecified problems (8)
- Parking problems (e.g. during school time, also on Hillfield) (9)
- Speeding
- South Street / Royston Lane (6 respondents)
- Long Road (5)
- Green End (3)
- All the way through the village (3)
- Other
- Three Horseshoes junct. (14)Swaynes Lane area (6)
- Barrons Way area (5)Bend on West Street (4)
- Nursery school crossroads (3)Cut back vegetation (2)
- Restricted Harbour Avenue through access (2)
- Vehicle size and weight restrictions in Royston Lane (2)
- (Retain this slide when printing 2 slides per page)
- Note:Pie charts detail responses of people who answered
- each specific question.
- Bar charts detail responses as percentages of all
- respondents to the questionnaires. They include a
- non-respondents category for each individual question.
- Note: Doctor removed from this graph to allow detail for other services to be seen
- Difficulty / wait to get an appointment (22 respondents)
- Poor attitude (10)
- Appointments very late / kept waiting (5)
- Area
- House
- -holds
- Good
- Reasonable
- Poor
- No opinion
- A
- 275
- 17
- 72
- 315
- 137
- B
- 192
- 3
- 62
- 207
- 83
- C
- 114
- 5
- 35
- 123
- 39
- D
- 90
- 8
- 27
- 100
- 26
- E
- 40
- 3
- 12
- 43
- 19
- 36
- 208
- 788
- 304
- A: Long Rd. and Harbour Ave. area B: West St. and Barrons Way area
- C: South St. and Swaynes Lane area D: Barton Rd., Hines Lane and Wootens Close
- E: Green End and Branch Rd.
- (Retain this slide when printing 2 slides per page)
- Local policeman (with local home) (7 respondents)
- Improved response to crime and 999 calls (4)
- General increase in policing levels (2)
- Rapid response to crime (2)
- More active investigation of crime, rather than logging the crime, then ignoring it (2)
- Investigation and prosecution of even minor vandalism (2)
- Recognition that the village may have to pay for decrease in crime levels (2)
- Targeted patrols (e.g. recreation ground for drugs) (1)
- Greater parental sense / responsibility (6 respondents)
- Improved leisure facilities (2)
- Improved transport to Cambridge and its facilities (2)
- Tighter control of underage drinking (2)
- Greater legal responsibility for parents (1)
- Dont serve drinks to those who are already intoxicated (2 respondents)
- Increased use of CCTV (2)
- Reduce late night / early morning drinking in pubs (1)
- Increase in communal activities to bring the village closer together
- Increased personal responsibility for security locks etc.
- Improved lighting (e.g. Milner rd. Barton Road footpath)
- Involvement of schools in crimes by young people
- Education on leisure time
- A: Long Rd. and Harbour Ave. area B: West St. and Barrons Way area
- C: South St. and Swaynes Lane area D: Barton Rd., Hines Lane and Wootens Close
- E: Green End and Branch Rd.
- Area
- Households
- Mains gas
- Cable TV
- A
- 275
- 335
- 272
- B
- 192
- 201
- 144
- C
- 114
- 108
- 72
- D
- 90
- 94
- 67
- E
- 40
- 38
- 21
- 776
- 576
- A: Long Rd. and Harbour Ave. area B: West St. and Barrons Way area
- C: South St. and Swaynes Lane area D: Barton Rd., Hines Lane and Wootens Close
- E: Green End and Branch Rd.
- (Retain this slide when printing 2 slides per page)
- (Retain this slide when printing 2 slides per page)
- Note:Pie charts detail responses of people who answered
- each specific question.
- Bar charts detail responses as percentages of all
- respondents to the questionnaires. They include a
- non-respondents category for each individual question.
- Leisure / fitness centre
- Cricket club
- Swimming pool
- Youth club
- Football club
- Badminton club
- Basketball club
- Bowls club
- Squash club
- Tennis club
- Golf club
- Other sporting activity
- Age
- Totals
- 11-15
- 16-17
- 18-24
- 25-44
- 45-59
- 60-64
- 65-74
- 75-84
- 85+
- Basketball (6 respondents)
- Martial arts (incl. Self Defence) (6)
- Better fitness centre / gym (5)
- Carpet bowls (5)
- Rugby (4)
- Pool (3)
- Indoor tennis (3)
- Angling (3)
- Gymnastics / joint aerobics (3)
- Social club (a.k.a sports and social club). Includes snooker, billiards, darts, cards etc (23 respondents)
- Sports specific activities (20)
- Heated indoor swimming club (14)
- Classes (11)
- Dance (various types) (9)
- Restaurant (9 responses)
- General interest (e.g. current affairs, debates, local history, local environment) (7)
- Single parent group (1)
- New to the village club hosted by established village residents (1)
- Skate park (5 respondents)
- Youth club (4)
- Gymnasium (3)
- Snooker / pool hall (3)
- Fast food (3)
- (Retain this slide when printing 2 slides per page)
- (Retain this slide when printing 2 slides per page)
- Note: 157 would use youth club in new Village Hall;
- (145 11-17 year olds completed questionnaire)
- Social club / centre (20 respondents)
- Venue for clubs and societies
- Village social events /whist drives / dances
- Also:Non-party hire (e.g. weddings)
- Youth facility
Live music venue
Fundraising events
Day / evening classes
Cyber café
Facility for mums + pre-school children
Toy library / hire
Commercial events
- (Retain this slide when printing 2 slides per page)
- (Retain this slide when printing 2 slides per page)
- Note:Pie charts detail responses of people who answered
- each specific question.
- Bar charts detail responses as percentages of all
- respondents to the questionnaires. They include a
- non-respondents category for each individual question.
- A: Long Rd. and Harbour Ave. area B: West St. and Barrons Way area
- C: South St. and Swaynes Lane area D: Barton Rd., Hines Lane and Wootens Close
- E: Green End and Branch Rd.
- (Retain this slide when printing 2 slides per page)
- A: Long Rd. and Harbour Ave. area B: West St. and Barrons Way area
- C: South St. and Swaynes Lane area D: Barton Rd., Hines Lane and Wootens Close
- E: Green End and Branch Rd.