From: richard elleray, combertonparish council [@]
Sent: 15 May 2013 10:43
To: ‘@’;’Robert and Penny Cook’; ‘Colin Hamilton’; ‘@’
Subject: FW: LDF consultation providessignificant developments in new towns plus some in group villages – NEW UPDATEfrom transport planners
Attachments: transport-ldf2012-cpc.pdf;housing-ldf2012-cpc.pdf
Importance: High
From: richard elleray, combertonparish council [@">mailto:@]
Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2013 10:36 AM
To: @">@
Subject: LDF consultation provides significant developments in new townsplus some in group villages – NEW UPDATE from transport planners
Importance: High
yesterday the transportplanning groups at CC and SCDC discussed their recommendations. In order to doso they had to know where most of the new developments were to be.
Since CPC members are likelyto be asked whats going on I thought a briefing summary would be appropriate.
I summarise those optionsthat are likely to impact Comberton…but about Comberton itself we dontyet know.
A couple of the decisiondocuments are attached with those paras later in the document seen as key toComberton highlighted.
Of the SCDC allocation of5000 net new houses needed to support the medium growth assumption.
other points made were:-
Resultsof consultation on the appropriate balance between edge of Cambridge or newsettlements and better served villages was strongest to protect the Green Belt.
Newsettlements are the next most sustainable location for growth. Options at newtown at Waterbeach and a new village at Bourn Airfield have been identified.The results of consultation supported concentration on new settlements ratherthan focus on edge of Cambridge due to Green Belt impacts.
Itoffered some support to better served villages, although to a lesser extentthan new settlements. There was concern about the impact on infrastructure, andvillage character.
Strategicoptions for new development in South Cambridgeshire focus on new settlementsand previously established new settlements, with new allocations for:
Newtown at Waterbeach Barracks 8,000 homes, 1,400 of which by 2031.
Newvillage at Bourn Airfield 3,500 homes, 1,470 of which by 2031.
CambourneWest 1,500 homes, all by 2031.
The major sites will be supported by limited development at moresustainable villages in the order of 900 homes to provide flexibility and helpensure a continuous supply of housing land over the plan period, including ifthere is any delay in progress on any of the major sites.
At the village level, development will be focused on the moresustainable villages with the best range of services and facilities, includingtaking account of opportunities to utilise previously developed land.
(Note: the preferred village sites will be considered at SouthCambridgeshires Planning Policy and Localism Portfolio Holders meeting in June)
2011 TO 2031
Existing Completions and Commitments (both areas)
New Sites
New Sites South Cambs
Cambridge Urban Area
Edge of Cambridge
New Settlements
TRANSPORT Improvements
Short term
Park and Ride.
o Consider expansion of Madingley Road Park and Ridesite.
o St Neots Park & Ride site / TransportInterchange.
Bus priority measures.
o Additional inbound bus priority on A1303 betweenA428 and Queens Road, Cambridge.
Rural Interchange facilities on main busroutes in corridor.
Junction capacity improvements.
· A428/ A1198 Caxton Gibbet junction.
· Inassociation with a new development at Cambourne West and Bourn Airfield
Segregatedbus links from the A428 through the West Cambourne site, linking to GreatCambourne by the Cambourne Business Park and School Lane Lower Cambourne.
Asegregated bus link from Cambourne to Bourn Airfield, and on through thedevelopment to the junction of St Neots Road with Highfields Road.
Anymeasures necessary to ensure that a bus journey between Highfields and thejunction of the A428 and the A1303 is direct and unaffected by any congestionsuffered by general traffic.
Highquality segregated bus priority measures on the A1303 between its junction withthe A428 and Queens Road, Cambridge.
APark and Ride site accessed from the A428, to take advantage of the buspriority measures on the A1303 St Neots Road between the A428 and the M11.
Direct,segregated high quality pedestrian / cycle links to west Cambridge, PapworthEverard, Highfields, Hardwick, Caxton, Bourn, Caldecote, Comberton, Bar Hilland Dry Drayton.
Theimpact of the proposals on the junctions of the A428 with the A1303 and theA1198 will need to be assessed in detail and contribution towards or directfunding of improvements to the junctions may be required.
Deliveryor funding of any measures required to mitigate the traffic impact of the newtown on Bourn, Caldecote, Toft, Comberton and Barton.
Medium to longer term
StNeots to Cambridge cycle route via Cambourne.
HighQuality Passenger Transport.
Fullysegregated inbound bus priority on A1303 between A428 and Queens Road,Cambridge.
HighQuality Passenger Transport corridor between Cambridge and St Neots.
Parkand Ride.
Considernew site on A428 between Cambourne and junction with the A1303.
o Dualling of A428 on an offline alignment between the Caxton Gibbet roundaboutwith the A1198 and the Black Cat roundabout with the A1 / A421.
EastWest Rail.
o Delivery of eastern section of EastWest Rail providing a link between Cambridge and Bedford, linking to centraland western sections to Milton Keynes and Oxford.
A SmarterChoices package including residential, school and workplace travel planning.
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cyber monday beats by dre cyber Monday north face cyber Monday canada goose cyber monday uggs cyber monday lululemon black friday jordan black friday true religion cyber monday north face cyber monday bred 13s kate spade cyber monday canada goose black friday kate spade cyber monday hollister cyber monday black infrared 6s north face black Friday black infrared 6s uggs black Friday legend blue 11s lululemon cyber Monday hollister black friday beats by dre cyber Monday lululemon black Friday uggs cyber monday legend blue 11s kate spade cyber monday michael kors cyber monday nike cyber monday michael kors cyber monday uggs cyber monday jordan cyber monday jordan black friday kate spade cyber monday legend blue 11s hollister black friday north face outlet hollister black friday beats by dre cyber Monday coach cyber monday michael kors outlet beats by dre cyber Monday coach outlet online michael kors black Friday coach outlet online uggs cyber monday hollister black friday michael kors 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by dre black Friday uggs cyber monday jordan 11 legend blue grey toe 13s kate spade black friday hollister black friday black infrared 6s jordan 6 black infrared louis vuitton outlet jordan 6 black infrared coach cyber Monday jordan 11 legend blue legend blue 11s gucci black friday victoria secret black friday gucci black friday north face black friday Polo Ralph Lauren cyber monday true religion cyber monday michael kors cyber monday bred 13s legend blue 11s north face black Friday michael kors cyber monday uggs black Friday north face black Friday north face black Friday grey toe 13s hollister black friday lululemon cyber monday north face cyber Monday coach outlet online lululemon cyber monday canada goose black friday lululemon cyber monday michael kors cyber monday kate spade cyber monday kate spade black friday beats by dre black Friday uggs black friday true religion black friday north face cyber monday north face black Friday uggs cyber monday beats by dre black Friday louis vuitton outlet jordan 6 black infrared north face black Friday michael kors black Friday uggs cyber Monday beats by dre cyber Monday uggs black friday kate spade cyber monday legend blue 11s kate spade cyber monday beats by dre black Friday nike cyber monday true religion cyber monday lululemon cyber monday uggs cyber monday bred 13s north face cyber monday bred 13s Abercrombie And Fitch black friday jordan 6 black infrared beats by dre cyber Monday grey toe 13s canada goose black friday beats by dre cheap lululemon cyber Monday black infrared 6s north face cyber Monday victoria secret black friday legend blue 11s north face cyber monday lululemon cyber monday legend blue 11s jordan black friday michael kors cyber monday michael kors cyber monday michael kors cyber monday uggs cyber monday beats by dre black Friday uggs cyber Monday michael kors black Friday north face outlet uggs black Friday jordan 6 black infrared Abercrombie And Fitch cyber monday lululemon black Friday beats by 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friday jordan 13 grey toe north face cyber monday beats by dre black Friday true religion cyber monday gucci cyber monday jordan black friday hollister black friday beats by dre black Friday jordan 6 black infrared uggs cyber Monday bred 13s north face cyber Monday grey toe 13s beats by dre cyber Monday canada goose cyber monday uggs black friday jordan 13 bred uggs cyber monday north face black friday uggs cyber monday legend blue 11s north face black friday lululemon black friday Polo Ralph Lauren black friday jordan black friday nike black friday true religion cyber monday legend blue 11s canada goose black friday grey toe 13s michael kors cyber monday kate spade cyber monday bred 13s uggs black Friday jordan 11 legend blue michael kors black Friday grey toe 13s michael kors cyber monday beats by dre cyber monday jordan black friday jordan black friday victoria secret cyber monday nike black friday uggs cyber monday north face black Friday uggs cyber monday legend blue 11s jordan 6 black infrared grey toe 13s uggs cyber Monday uggs black friday uggs on sale michael kors cyber monday michael kors cyber monday beats by dre cyber Monday coach black Friday legend blue 11s nike cyber monday lululemon cyber monday true religion cyber monday north face black Friday jordan cyber monday Polo Ralph Lauren cyber monday north face cyber monday legend blue 11s canada goose cyber monday canada goose cyber monday coach outlet online coach cyber monday michael kors black Friday kate spade black friday canada goose cyber monday legend blue 11s uggs cyber monday grey toe 13s michael kors black Friday michael kors cyber monday beats by dre cyber monday michael kors cyber monday lululemon cyber monday victoria secret black friday beats by dre cyber monday north face black friday uggs cyber monday kate spade black friday kate spade cyber monday kate spade black friday uggs cyber monday lululemon black Friday north face outlet uggs black Friday coach outlet online coach outlet online coach cyber Monday michael kors outlet legend blue 11s kate spade black friday hollister cyber monday north face outlet uggs cyber monday north face outlet beats by dre cyber monday gucci cyber monday gucci black friday kate spade black friday kate spade cyber monday canada goose cyber monday north face black Friday beats by dre black Friday louis vuitton outlet michael kors cyber monday north face black Friday grey toe 13s louis vuitton outlet bred 13s coach black Friday canada goose black friday north face black friday nike black friday lululemon cyber monday north face cyber monday victoria secret black friday michael kors cyber monday hollister black friday beats by dre cyber monday hollister black friday canada goose black friday