ViewThe Results of the Village Appraisal Survey
In September 2001 a village appraisalquestionnaire was distributed to every house in the village. Over 80% ofhouseholds responded, ensuring that the results represent the true feeling ofthose who live in Comberton. To see the results of the survey click on the linkabove.
On March 14th a public meeting isbeing held in the Village Hall at which the findings will be found and the nextstage of the process of writing a ‘Parish Plan’ will begin. After that groupswill be formed which will work in detail on the main areas of the villagedesign statement; transport; recreation; social services; and the environment.Everyone in the village is invited both to the meeting and to be involved indrawing up the action plans.
The process of drawing up the ParishPlan is being driven by a steering committee formed of the Parish Council andothers from within the village. Funding for the project has been provided bySouth Cambridgeshire District Council, the Countryside Agency, and the ParishCouncil.