Village Hall Bookings


Village Hall

The Village Hall is run by an excellent committee (the Trustees); all of whom are dedicated to its success.

Please book via their dedicated website 

Hirers are asked to leave the hall as they find it – namely clean and tidy. This minimises the time spent by its part-time cleaner which in turn helps to minimise hiring charges.

The Hall facilities are available for hire with preferential rates for village family and organisations.

In light of HM Government COFID19 guidelines which require Trustees to produce a COVID-19 risk assessment –  that has been done.

The Trustees have been advised that, in addition, hirers should write a COVID-19 risk assessment that is specific to their activities in the Village Hall. This is because different activities, such as sports and social gatherings, carry different types of risk. The best people to assess such risks are those responsible for hiring the Hall, who also have a duty of care. The Lettings Secretary will provide you with a suitable form which must be filled in and returned at least two weeks before your booking