The green bin collections are being reintroduced from Monday 4 May. Households would usually have 2 green bin collections between 4 and 30 May but, due to the impact of national social distancing measures, only one collection will be guaranteed.

So our next Single Green Bin and Blue Bin collection will be on Wednesday 6th May.

Don’t put out two green bins in the month of May otherwise Comberton’s refuse collections will be disrupted ! Don’ try to buck the system in the first week or we may not get another Green Bin collection in May due to workload on the staff.

The following weeks Black Bin collection is delayed to Thursday due to the VE25Day Public Holiday.

The Greater Cambridge Shared Waste Service, a partnership between Cambridge City and South Cambridgeshire District Councils, has made the decision in order to support staff and the recycling and waste service as a whole during the Coronavirus outbreak.

The suspension of green bin collections will allow crews to concentrate on emptying blue and black bins during the coming weeks. It will also assist with any future staff sickness or self-isolation issues.

As always, residents are being encouraged to waste as little food as possible, so they minimise the amount they need to throw away. For this period only, the advice to residents who do have food waste will be to put it into the black bin.

Residents who enjoy spending time in the garden and growing their own food are also being asked to consider home composting as much of their garden waste as possible.


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