
Village Sign Sports inComberton
Evening Badminton Club Meets Mondays and Fridays at CVC

Lunchtime Badminton Club Meets every Wednesday at CVC

Bowls Club Bowls

The Bowls Club Green is situated on the Recreation Ground.

There is a Carpet Bowls Club which meets on some Monday nights in the Village Hall

Comberton Village Cricket Club Has a midweek and a Saturday side
which competes in the local league

Football pitch Comberton United Football Club Meets every Tuesday in Season

Comberton Crusaders Football Club For younger players (girls and boys)

Comberton Leisure

Comberton Leisure

on-line Sports Magazine of CVC Cambridge Meridian Golf Club

Judo Club Comberton Judo Club

Netball Netball Club
Meets Thursdays at CVC

Rambler Ramblers Club Meets every other Sunday

Rec Ground Comberton Recreation Ground open 08:30am until 1/2 hour after street lighting up time
for parking and activities. Pedestrian access at other times..

No motorcycles, mopeds or vehicles allowed beyond the car park without written authorisation.

Shuttle Club Comberton Shuttles Club

Squash Club Comberton Squash Club

Swimming Pool Sign Comberton Community Swimming Club  2016 season started….

Tae Kwon Do Comberton Tae Kwon Do

Tae Kwon Do Comberton Tang Soo Do Meets every Wednesday at Meridian School

Tennis Club

Comberton Lawn Tennis Club (at CVC)

There are also 2 public access courts on the Recreation Ground

Hereward Heat Wheelchair Basketball Meets every Tuesday at CVC

Walks around Comberton Jubilee Walk 3mB PDF

other sports around Comberton
(awaiting any details)

Hockey (Mixed)

last updated 30th April 2016ss

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